My Lunch Can Beat Up Your Lunch!

Lunch Box 122: It's officially Spring.


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One of these is not like the other I don't like cold weather. I have very little, shall we say, insulation, and I have to wait out in the weather for buses and trains. The coming of Spring heralds the end of the wearing-a-heavy-coat-to-and-from-work season. This is very good. So, to commemorate the official beginning of Spring, I made sakura mochi. Sakura mochi are eaten during Hanami, Japanese cherry blossom viewing parties. However, true to the nature of weather in Atlanta, it turned cold and rainy on the first of Spring, so all I could do was look out my window as the rain pounded petals off the dogwoods.

This batch of sakura mochi are made with a different recipe from the two I've previously posted, and this is, IMO, the easiest. Basically it's anko-stuffed onigiri made with sweetened colored rice, wrapped with a salted cherry leaf.  Or, in my case, a celery leaf, as my condo complex doesn't have a cherry orchard.

Here we also have some okonomiyaki, edamame, baked plantain, and carrot sticks. I have testified to their tastiness before!

Wanna talk about it?