My Lunch Can Beat Up Your Lunch!

Lunch Box 382: Breakfast fried rice


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Bacon, eggs, and rice What do you do when you find yourself with a big batch of rice you gotta use up now? Well, I have no idea what you do, but what I do is pull whatever else seems likely out of the fridge and make fried rice. In this case I added carrots, mushrooms, lotus rootlets, scallions, turkey bacon, and eggs, and made turkey bacon & egg fried rice. It's like having breakfast for lunch! Well, OK, not really. But it is quite good.

I also have more baked purple sweet potato, boiled spinach with mayonnaise, a French bread mini-baguette with butter, some dried cherries, and a few mini-carrots. And I must confess something about the spinach. That's not regular cookin' spinach. Kroger was selling off bags of spinach salad mix real cheap because it was getting wilty, and I grabbed one to experiment with. The experiment was a success, although there were a few bits in there that didn't cook as the rest of the spinach did. They didn't do any harm either, they just looked confused and out-of-place.

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