You've seen the various "dancing" pages on the web, such as "The Hampster Dance", "Dancing Cows", and "Boogie Blocks" - well, never one to let a bandwagon pass by unjumped, I've created the "Brak's Scrapbook" exclusive...

Dance the Night Away on Cartoon Planet!

Greetings, Citizen!I've got the funk.Blowin' wind up my capeGreetings, Citizen!I've got the funk.Blowin' wind up my capeI can open a can of spinach with my butt muscles.I've got the funk.Blowin' wind up my cape
I like beans!Oh, buddy!I'm a dancin' fool!Don't touch me!I like beans!Oh, buddy!I like beans!I'm the Lord of The Pants!I like beans!
With freedom comes nudity!
Blowin' wind up my capeWhat's the anti-matter with you?I've got the funk.I'm down with this.Greetings, Citizen!I've got the funk.Blowin' wind up my capeGreetings, Citizen!I've got the funk.
I'm gonna run naked in the streets of Dothan!
I like beans!Oh, buddy!I like beans!Oh, buddy!Boogie nation!Oh, buddy!I like beans!I like beans!Oh, buddy!
I'm down with this.I've got the funk.Blowin' wind up my capeGreetings, Citizen!I've got the funk.Blowin' wind up my capeBehold the pelvic gyrations of my victory boogie!I've got the funk.Blowin' wind up my cape
Oh, buddy!Oogachaka oogachakaOh, buddy!I like beans!Oh, buddy!I like beans!Oh, buddy!I like beans!I'm doin' the hoodleehoo!
Kiss my shiny green thorax.

Like what ya see? Bug report? Let me know.

Why not check out The Hot Dog Dance while you're here?

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