"I Love Beans" Sing-Along



Hey, um, I got this thing, I want you to listen to it! Listen! Listen, listen, listen!

("I Love Beans" music starts.)

Here it is.

Brak, singing:

Brak, commenting:

Here's a lovely song about my favorite food.
Lima, lentil, soy, and pinto,
Navy, northern, and garbanzo,
Oh boy. it's, it's me.
I'm singin' a song 'bout, 'bout beans.
Kidneys and frijoles negros,
I love beans!
That's black beans to you,
I love beans, woo woo woo
I love beans, how 'bout you?
High in fiber, low in fat.
Hey, I bet you didn't know that!
To the average lay person.
Here comes another part.
Here it comes. I just said "fat".
Heh heh, didja hear it?
When I eat beans I sit in my own little cloud. When I eat beans
Nobody comes to visit me in my little cloud. This is my sad voice, see. Wait, listen, here comes the muffin part. Here it comes. Here it comes, listen!
I don't know why. Maybe it's 'cause I'm cuttin' muffins. Because-
Cuttin' muffins! Ah ha ha ha!
I love beans, hey hey hey!
I love beans every day!
Beans are an excellent source of protein.
I love beans, oh yeah boy!
I love beans all the time!
Beans are a lot of good stuff!

I love beans, dinky-doo!

I love beans, dinky-doo!

Sketch © Cartoon Network. HTML document © Kim McFarland.
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