Messages from Outer Space:
Barnacle Boy


Now, listen if you dare, to ... Messages from Outer Spaaace!
This message was beamed to us from Barnacle Boy in Denada 7, the underwater city.
"Dear Cartoon Planet creatures, I am Barnacle Boy. But everyone here in the fabulous underwater city calls me "Squirt". My favorite things to do are play with my toys while I am soaking in the tub. Did I mention that I am very large? I am. I'm huge! I love to watch you capture the evil beings in your nebula by using your very extreme power bands. Where did you get them? Do they work underwater, hmmm?"

**** STATIC *****

Hot Dog Man:
Weeee interrupt this transmissio-o-on! Weee aare theee Ho-o-ot Do-o-og Meeeen! Ourrr planet is in dangerrr! Weeee ne-e-ed your assistance! Does anyone have a Phillips screw-w-wdriver?

**** STATIC *****

No! Get lost!
"I like to keep trim by jogging underwater, because I'm so huge! I have to be careful though, because the sorehead submarine patrols in my sector are always shooting at me. Sometimes they knock me down, but I get right back up, albeit with a nasty scar. I guess I'll close for now. Goodbye from Barnacle Boy the sailor, also known as Squirt!"
And that is another Message from Outer Spaaace!

Sketch © Cartoon Network. HTML document © Kim McFarland.
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