Messages from Outer Space:
Shiny Boy


Now, listen if you dare, to ... Messages from Outer Spaaace!
This message was beamed to us from Shiny Boy on the garden planet of Vegemite.

"This is Shiny Boy, transmitting my message of woe from Vegemite in the Camden nebula, home of the legendary Dingleball Ironman Cow Ate The River. My girlfriend has been transplanted to another planet and I don't get to see her any more.

**** STATIC *****

Hot Dog Man:
Weee aare theee Ho-o-ot Do-o-og Meeeen! Wa-a-atch us as weeee do the fi-i-ire dance! Weee know a-a-all! Spaaaace Ghoooost, weeee know your secret identity-y-y! You are-

**** STATIC *****

Obviously a crackpot!
"I miss the sight of her head flapping in the breeze, to and fro, and that funny little finger jive she and only she can do. I can't get her shiny head out of my mind. And vice versa! Can't go on. Goodbye."
Bye! Have a nice day!
And that is another Message from Outer Spaaace!

Sketch © Cartoon Network. HTML document © Kim McFarland.
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