'97-'98 New Year's Marathon
Commercial Bumpers

Announcer: After these messages Cartoon Network will be back with more of the Cartoon Planet New Year's Marathon! YAHOO!

Announcer: My Mom is letting me stay up all night to watch the Cartoon Planet New Year's Marathon! I'm a big boy now!

Announcer: The Cartoon Planet New Year's Marathon will be right back. Hey, this might be a good time to go "freshen up" a bit!

Announcer: More Cartoon Planet is coming up. Ooh, I can hardly wait.

Announcer: How's your New Year's party going? Are there lots of people dancing and eating and having a great time? Why wasn't I invited?

Announcer: You're watching the one and only Cartoon Planet New Year's Marathon! Right here on the one and only Cartoon Network!

Announcer: Don't go away, the fabulous Cartoon Planet New Year's Marathon will be right back!

Announcer: On we go with the Cartoon Planet New Year's Marathon

Announcer: You guys stay tuned for more of the Cartoon Planet New Year's Marathon, and I'll go hunt the hors d'oeuvres. Garçon!

Announcer: For my New Year's resolution, I resolve not to make any more New Year's resolutions. I always forget 'em anyway.

Announcer: I hope you have plenty of bean dip on hand. Nothing livens up a party more than a hot pocket of bean dip!

All sketches are © Cartoon Network. HTML document © Kim McFarland.
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