Mail Bag Day:
We Love You, Man


"Dear Space Ghost, we love you, man. We really dig your show. No no, you don't understand, we loooooooove you! Signed, Wreck, Lesterbeth, Squally, and Foo Foo. P.S.: We are all over 21. Wreck plays bass for a punk band. Lesterbeth, who is a girl, sings. Squally is a housewife, and Foo Foo works on cars."

Ha ha ha ha ha! Hey, Foo Foo, if you're out there, get over here and fix my stinkin' Phantom Cruiser!

Here's a line from Joy Holly in Newport News, Virginny.
"Dear... Dear Brak, I'm not a kid. I'm a grandmother who watches your show every day. I think you're great. You make me laugh!"

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, Granny!

"I think Zorak and Space Ghost should show you more respect."

Heyyy! You boys better start showin' me some respect, or this Granny here's gonna show you what for!

Whaddaya mean?
I mean she'll knock your STUPID HEAD OFF!
Whooohoohoo! Did you hear dat, Zorak, mmm?
Ohhh, yeah, don't let the Granny get me, Space Ghost! Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho.
You guys don't think I'm gonna have power steering trouble now, do you? Do you guys think I'm gonna have power steering trouble? This is really - it's honkin' me off. Speaking of honkin' me off-
Have a nice day!

Sketch © Cartoon Network. HTML document © Kim McFarland.
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