Zorak's New Year's Infomercial


Well, a new year lies before me. Here is what I'd like to accomplish in the days ahead.
Eh, first of all, I'd like to muscle in on the soft drink industry.
Secondly, I'd like to conquer five ... no, make that TEN new planets and rule them with absolute ruthless tyranny! Yeah! Bwaahaahaahaa!
And you're gonna do that from your little tin can over there.
Actually, I was going to use my super telepathic long-distance mind control.
You tried that last week. Ya couldn't even get a pizza delivered!
Mmmnnn, you're right. I guess that still needs work. Okay, I'll downsize a little. (clears throat)
In the new year I intend to lose some weight. How, you ask? With the help of the amazing new Mantis Master from Zorak Industries! Yes, with the Mantis Master you too can remove unsightly lumps of exoskeleton while adding attractive inches to your rear pinchers and hinder. Compact enought to fit snugly into any AAAAAAHHHH!
(Space Ghost zaps Zorak)
Why did you blow up Zorak?
His New Year's wish list was becoming an infomercial.
Only the amazing new Mantis Master can efficiently slice off globular poundage from your sorry AAAAAHHHHHH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
(Space Ghost zaps Zorak)
Looks like next year's gonna be more of the "same old, same old" for Zorak.

Sketch © Cartoon Network. HTML document © Kim McFarland.
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