Slack & Hash's Sticker Album

"Infected" - Sticker 154

Megabyte infecta al exo eskeleton y le ordena que sostenga a Bob , exigiendole que la abra el portal, Bob recuerda el consejo de Phong utilizar la ambicion del virus

Babelfish Translation: Infected megabyte to exo eskeleton and orders that it maintains to him to Bob, demanding to him that it opens the vestibule to it, Bob remembers the advice of Phong to use the ambition of the virus

Note: Yes, the Spanish may look like it's full of typos. That's exactly how it appears on the card back. Sloppy work, huh? And, yes, I know how weird the Babelfish translation is. I'll replace it when somebody sends me something that makes a little more sense!

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