Where No Sprite Has Gone Before

Written by: D.C. Fontana
Story by: Gavin Blair
Dan DiDio
Phil Mitchell
Ian Pearson

  Transcribed by: Kim McFarland

Note: Two of the Heroes, the pink woman who duplicates herself and the red woman with extendable claws, were never named in the episode, and I have not been able to find names for them. Thus, I've called them "Multi-Mate" and "Red Woman" respectively. When and if I find out their real names I'll put them in.
[Fade in on a large, futuristic glassy building complex that, when the camera loops around just right, contains the Atari logo. A game cube has landed on one side of the complex.]
Pixels!  Oh, wait, they're only lensflares.System Voice:
[masculine] Game over.
[The game cube rises, leaving AndrAIa, Matrix, and Frisket standing in a plaza-like open area. AndrAIa and Matrix look around and Frisket shakes himself.]
[voiceover] AndrAIa's log, game date unknown. We've entered a new system with the hope of finding Mainframe.
[Matrix takes Glitch off his belt and moves it about as if trying to detect something. AndrAIa looks around and Frisket sniffs the air.]
[voiceover, continuing] Once again we met with failure. With each passing system Matrix grows more despondent.
[Matrix, frustrated, throws Glitch to the ground.]
[angrily] D'aah!
[Frisket sniffs Glitch, then picks it up in his teeth, flips it once, and holds it up to Matrix.]
[voiceover, continuing] And I fear if we don't find Mainframe soon, he'll give up all hope of ever finding home.
[Matrix kneels and scratches Frisket's back as he takes Glitch. Frisket wags his tail, and most of his hindquarters, as he growls.]
[now speaking into some sort of device] AndrAIa out.
[AndrAIa walks toward Matrix and Frisket. Then something hits the ground behind them and explode. A flock of Spectrols - glowing blue fuzzballs - flies above from around the buildings. A group of Spritelike beings chase them, rhubarbing as they do. One, a beefy, cigar-chomping man, fires a pair of great big guns.]
[voiceover, Shatnering] Pixel! Powelock! Get in front! Head them off!
[Powerlock - the one with the guns - and Pixel, a Vulcanlike caricature in a shiny jumpsuit, fly around the Spectrols.]
We've got them covered!
[Matrix draws Gun and points it upward, changing his aim as if undecided as to who is the enemy. Frisket growls menacingly. AndrAIa puts a hand on Matrix's arms and lowers it.]
[stage whisper] Wait! Let's see whose side we're on.
[Robert Cursor, a red and gold clad Sprite with glowing eyes and a Boblike hairdo, flies into the foreground on a zip board. He stops, puts his fists on his hips, and looks around. Matrix turns, sees him, and gapes. AndrAIa also stares. Two Spectrols fly toward Cursor from behind.]
Rob! Look out!
[softly] Bob?
[Rob flies a curvy path as a pair of Spectrols chase him.]
[Shatnering] Gigagirl! E-Male! Net maneuver! Now!
[Gigagirl - a purple She-Hulk type - hurls what looks like a spear. It is revealed to be a long, thin, Edward Scissorhands-faced Sprite. He flies toward a pair of Spectrols, one blue and one aqua. When he approaches them he unfolds. His body becomes a net, with hands and legs on the corners. He enfolds the Spectrols and turns into a sphere. His hands and head pop out, then he sinks to the ground.]
Who's got them covered?
[Powerlock scowls and growls. Gigagirl and Pixel land, the Cursor comes to the ground in front of the group.]
[Shatnering - which he does throughout the episode, so I'll stop mentioning it] Try and escape? I don't think so!
Slices. dices, and cauterizes. [Matrix puts his hand on Cursor's shoulder and spins him around, then points Gun at him. Cursor draws a handle from his belt and activates what looks like a yellow lightsaber.]
[menacingly] What're you doing, mister?
[threateningly] I could ask you the same question.
[The other Sprites gather around Cursor. Frisket growls nastily. AndrAIa raises her trident.]
[deactivating his lightsaber] You're not one of us, are you?
[lowering Gun] No, we're not.
[putting his lightsaber handle back on his belt] Well then, allow me to introduce myself. I am Captain Robert Cursor, leader of the Hero Selective.
I'm Matrix. AndrAIa and I used the last game to enter your system.
[shouting] Then you're ta blame! No one is to play the games! The User must win! Only then will the Spectrols listen.
[surprised] Why would you want to lose? Don't you know the damage it'll cause?
[sniffs] Don't speak to me of things you know nothin' about.
[AndrAIa raises her trident again. Powerlock looks surprised.]
Powerlock, please. They are visitors, new to our system. Treat them with respect.
Captain, I calculate that in three point six nanoseconds the Spectrols will return in force.
[turning toward Pixel] A logical assumption, Pixel. As always. [to Matrix and AndrAIa] Follow me to the hard drive and I'll explain everything.
[They all start to walk.]
Your system, does it have a... Guardian?
[Matrix and Cursor stop walking]
Guardian? I'm not familiar with the term. Come. It's not safe here.
[Matrix and Cursor start walking again. AndrAIa minimized her trident and sticks it on her belt. Frisket looks at her. She shrugs exaggeratedly. They walk forward.]

[Cut to the interior of the Hero Selective headquarters, which is futuristic and superheroish and stuff. The camera does a slow 360 degree spin as it lowers from a high shot to floor level. The Heroes plus Matrix, AndrAIa, and Frisket enter. They pose briefly in a line. Then E-Male, still in spherical form, bounces over to a hexagonal device on the floor. He blows, releasing the two Spectrols onto the hexagon. A force field forms to hold them in.]
Quite a place you got here.
You know, Matrix, your friend is right. The Hero Selective is purposefully damaging the system.
That doesn't seem very heroic.
No, it's not. Yet it's the only way we can get the Spectrols to listen to our demands.
[Matrix looks past Cursor at AndrAIa and Frisket, who are looking at the two imprisoned Spectrols. Then he looks at Powerlock, who is also watching AndrAIa, and posing like a beach muscleman.]
Why bother? It looks to me like you've got the distinct advantage.
I'm sorry, but you're wrong. They're the ones controlling us.
Spectrol 1:
Traitors! You betrayed your race, and now you betray your function!]
[furiously] You're the traitors! You betrayed us! So be quiet or I'll-
[Powerlock raises his arms. AndrAIa extends her trident in front of him.]
[interrupting] Do nothing.
[Powerlock smirks nastily at her. Frisket, ears back, growls at him. Cursor interrupts before Powerlock and AndrAIa can come to blows.]
AndrAIa, you must understand. Once we were like them. We were once Spectrols.
If this is true why did you change?
Spectrols are unable to reboot. When the games first came there was no defense. Then a way was found to convert Spectrols into Sprites.
[pacing] We volunteered.
[Multi-Mate, sitting at a console, turns to listen.]
[continuing] Our mission was to seek out new game cubes and new applications. We boldly went where no Spectrol had gone before.
That was five cycles ago! Now we want to go back.
Spectrol 2:
Liar! You were seduced by the flesh and rejected your Spectrol state.
Spectrol 1:
The games have turned you into barbarians. You no longer belong in the Spectrol Selective.
But we've grown tired of the games and want to return!
Spectrol 1:
No. Your format is to defend the system from games. Anything else is a waste of resources and a threat to our existence.
[to Cursor] Captain, the Spectrol raises several valid and logical points.
Logic? How can you talk about logic? We're talking about our lives here.
Gigagirl's right! There's no reasoning with them! We hafta make them listen!
[to Pixel] Unfortunately, old friend, I must side with the others.

[Fade to black, then right back in on what looks like a bar manned by a Sprite made of ice who speaks with a Scottish brogue.]
Captain, might I suggest a wee drink for us all. I find a cool shake soothes hot tempers.
[Cursor, Gigagirl, Pixel, Matrix, and a red-clad woman walk to the bar.]
Good idea, Birdie.
[Matrix grabs an empty glass and makes to sit on a stool. Then he jumps up. E-Male is bent into the shape of a chair in place of a stool.]
Hey, watch it, I'm sitting here!
WHO were you calling *The little woman?!* [Matrix sits on a stool next to Gigagirl. He turns to her and shrugs. She pops from small to hulked-out with nothing inbetween. Matrix jerks back]
[laughs] maybe I should callya Slim!
[She nudges him hard enough to push him back. Then she pops back to small size.]
[offscreen, screaming] No!
[Matrix and Gigagirl turn on their stools to look.]
[pointing] The Spectrols! They're gone!
[The camera turns to the hexagonal prison, which is now empty. AndrAIa, trident in hand, and Frisket are standing beside it. Everyone runs over to AndrAIa.]
But how? There's no way they could've gotten out.
I let them out.
You what?!
[Powerlock starts forward. Matrix stands between him and AndrAIa and holds up one hand.]
Stop right there!
She let them go!
Muscles, muscles, muscles Matrix:
To get to her you gotta go through me.
Why, AndrAIa? Why did you do it? You've jeopardized everything we've worked for!
No one deserves to be hunted and caged.
[pointing at AndrAIa over Matrix's shoulder] Well, maybe we should cage you instead!
Don't bother. I'm leaving.
[AndrAIa turns haughtily to go. Multi-Mate duplicates herself to form a ring, arms interlocked, around AndrAIa and the rest of the group.]
[multiple voices] You're not going anywhere.
Try and stop me!
[AndrAIa draws her trident, swigs around, and hits the force shield. Light flashes blindingly. When it fades she is gone.]
[multiple voices] Where did she go?
[Multi-Mate's doppels disappear one by one.]
Red Woman:
She must've run out to meet her Spectrol friends! [She extends her claws.]
We need more hostages.
Red Woman:
I say we go on another hunt.
[The Red Woman extends one clawed finger. The camera closes in on Cursor's face. After a pause he speaks.]
[Rhubarbing about the need for more hostages, the Hero Selective marches forward. Powerlock slips a knife into a boot sheath. Multi-Mate clicks her belt. The red woman poses with her claws out. Powerlock clicks a Big Gun. Gigagirl poses and hulks out. Powerlock clicks the bazooka behind his back. Cursor jumps onto a zip board. Matrix, AndrAIa, and Frisket watch as the Heroes fly forward, still rhubarbing, with Cursor at the back end. Powerlock and Cursor stop before leaving the chamber.]
[pointing with a gun] What about him?
Well, Matrix? Are you with us or against us?
I'm with you. But I'm against the hunt.
That's fine. You can wait here. We'll be back shortly.
[Cursor and Powerlock fly toward the exit. Matrix watches. Then Cursor turns back..]
Believe it or not, I don't like the hunt any more than you do.
[Cursor flies out.]
[The Hero Selective flies toward the city, rhubarbing all the way.]
[turning around and speaking loudly] Okay, you can come out now.
[AndrAIa drops to the ground from above.]
I thought they'd never leave.
'N you call me impulsive. Why'd ya do it?
I wasn't ready to take sides.
But Bob said-
[interrupting] Cursor. You meant to say Cursor said.
[Matrix looks down, discouraged. AndrAIa puts a hand on his arm.]
Enzo, look. I admit there's a resemblance. But Cursor's not Bob.
[Frisket lowers his head and whines sadly.]
Bob was lost in the Web. Who knows how it could've changed him.
Bob wouldn't stop the Spectrols from protecting the system.
I thought you weren't taking sides.
[Frisket looks back and forth as he listens.]
I wasn't. Until now.
[belligerently] Then why don't you go to 'em?
Maybe I will! [sarcastically] I find this place stifling.
[Angrily] Fine!
[Angrily] Fine!
[AndrAIa pushes Matrix out of the way and walks toward the exit. Matrix sulkily turns his back on her and folds his arms. Frisket lowers his head and whines, ears drooping.]

[The camera pans down the side of the big Atari building. A Spectrol flies down and meets AndrAIa, who is walking beside the building.]
What's it like, being a crappy special effect? AndrAIa:
[lightly] I thought I might find you here.
Spectrol 1:
Why have you come here, Sprite?
I wanta help you!
Spectrol 1:
Go back to your own kind, fleshling.
They're not my kind. They're yours.
[There is an explosion, and an alarm sounds. AndrAIa looks up. More Spectrols fly over to join Spectrol 1.]
Spectrol 1:
System Error! A new tear has opened! See! See the damage your friends have caused!
I've helped you once! Let me help again!
Spectrol 1:
Fine! Come with me! But hurry.
[The Spectrols fly away. AndrAIa runs after them.]

[Cut to an exterior shot of the Hard Drive. Fade to the interior. The camera pans around, showing us a shelf with trophies, one of which is the Stanley Cup; a twoney coin-like metal decoration showing a crowned female binome and the words "Unlimited C.G Power"; and another shelf with more trophies and what looks like The Maltese Falcon. Cut to Matrix, who is looking discontented. Behind him, the Hero Selective flies in.]
[speaking loudly, not turning around] I take it the hunt didn't go exactly as planned?
[As Cursor speaks, Pixel taps on buttons on a panel.]
Probably just as well. We've got bigger problems.
There appears to be another tear, one that could possibly crash the entire system.
[nastily] Oh, that should solve all your problems!
[gesturing with his Great Big Guns] I'm glad you think this is funny. But if this place goes down, you go with it! And that includes yer little witch!
[Matrix grabs Powerlock by the neck and presses gun's muzzle against his throat. The safety clicks off. Powerlock makes choking noises.]
Where was BS&P?! Matrix:
Your problems end now.
[Multi-Mate zips over, duplicating herself rather than running. The excess duplicates disappear just behind the front image. She pushes Matrix back.]
Stop it! Stop it!
[Cursor lays a hand on Matrix's shoulder. Matrix turns toward him.]
We mustn't fight amongst ourselves.
[Matrix jerks his shoulder. Cursor removes his arm.]
Why don't'cha just mend the tear?
Not in this form.
Then in which one... Guardian?
No. Spectrol.

[AndrAIa is in the Principle Office, a circular futuristic control room, in the center of which a marked-up globe made of light floats. AndrAIa is at a control panel and is watched by several Spectrols. Another Spectrol flies to her.]
Spectrol 3:
What have you done?! Why have you brought her here?! You've doomed us all!
[AndrAIa works, not looking up, as the Spectrols argue behind her.]
Spectrol 1:
She's here to help.
Spectrol 2:
She saved our lives back at the Heroes' den.
[Spectrol 3 flies in front of AndrAIa, annoying her.]
Spectrol 3:
You flesh loving fools, can't you see?! It was a trick to gain your confidence and entry to the Principle Office!
It was no trick, now pipe down, I've gotta get this system error isolated.
[Her fingers tap on the colored "buttons" of a Star Trekkish control panel.]
There! I routed a path around the bad sector. [turning back] Can you effect repairs?
Spectrol 1:
On this tear and all other tears. It is our function.
[An alarm sounds. AndrAIa turns back to the control panel. There is a distant explosion. Red pulsing circles appear on the globe behind her. AndrAIa turns around.]
Tears! They're opening all over the system!
Spectrol 3:
See?! See?! It's her fault! She's going to destroy us all!
[Spectrol 3 flies out a door marked "PORT" as he speaks. The door closes behind him.]
[to Spectrol 1] These system errors, when did you say they began?
Spectrol 1:
I didn't, but they began right after our first game.
Just as I suspected. Do you know where this place is? [Points at a pulsing light on the globe]
Spectrol 1:
Yes. Do you want me to take you there?
Make it so.
[AndrAIa opens her zip board, steps on, and flies out the PORT. The Spectrols follow her.]

[Matrix and Cursor are sitting at a small, round table.]
Matrix, why do you keep calling me "Guardian"?
[sotto voce] You remind me of someone I knew and trusted. Someone I lost.
Well, I may not be the friend you lost, but I can be one to trust.
[nodding] I believe you.
Too bad AndrAIa doesn't feel that way.
Ah, she'll get over it. This system error, could your losing games have caused it?
[As Cursor speaks, Matrix takes Glitch off his belt and looks at it.]
No, as angry as we are at the Spectrols, we would never permanently harm the system.
Mmm, didn't think so. Glitch, full system scan.
[Matrix looks at Glitch, which emits weird noises. Matrix nods and stands up.]
[walking away from the table] Cursor, get your troops together. We're goin' on a hunt.
So, you'll join us in our hunt for Spectrols?
No. Not Spectrols. Something worse.

[Escorted by several Spectrols, AndrAIa flies through the city on her zip board.]
Spectrol 1:
AndrAIa, you are not from our system. Why do you wish to help us?
Preserving life and preserving systems. It's what Matrix and I do best. It's our... Prime Directive.
Spectrol 1:
But you and Matrix are no longer together. What will you do next?
Oh, we've been through a lot worse. Love and respect, that's what binds us, and with it nothing will ever keep us apart.
Spectrol 1:
You shame me. The anger I feel towards my former brothers - it's not right.
Hatred and prejudice never is. [pointing] Look, the tear! There it is!
[AndrAIa and the Spectrols fly to a large tear. Several other Spectrols are already there. AndrAIa looks at her... tricorder? Then she dodges as the Spectrols fly past her from behind and swarm around the tear. As they circle it they leave golden energy trails. When the net of trails is dense enough they squeeze it, eliminating the tear, then all fly away.]
Spectrol 3:
There, our system is safe, [nastily] no thanks to you.
[to all Spectrols] You are far from safe. There are hundreds of tears opening throughout the system! But they all started here.
Spectrol 1:
Why? What is so special about this tear?
It's not a natural tear. Someone created it.
Spectrol 3:
What kind of fools do you take us for? Of course someone created it! It was your friends, the Heroes! You're trying to destroy us all!
Schtick characters, assemble! [AndrAIa grunts and dodges and flinches as the Spectrols harry her like territorial sparrows.]
Listen to me! These tears, they're not Spectrol or Hero in nature!
[voiceover] No, they're not!
[Matrix, leading all the Heroes, is suddenly there. Fanfare.]
[continuing] They're viral. Looks to me like you've got a Virus in your midst.
That's funny, I was about to say the same thing to you.

[Fade in on Frisket, who is standing on a walkway. He barks up at the two groups - Matrix and the Heroes, and AndrAIa and the Spectrols - up above. Then he starts sniffing the air. He puts his nose to the ground, still sniffing, and starts toward the center of the city.]
[still posing in front of the Heroes] The way I see it, the Virus must've entered the system through a download.
Sounds right. The tears began right after the first game.
Matrix, I can vouch for all my Sprites. There are no Viruses among the Hero Selective!
Spectrol 3:
[nastily] That's wonderful. One lies, and the other swears by it!
Spectrol 2:
Why should we trust you? You hunt us down and let games destroy the city! That's just the behavior we would expect from Virals!
Not precisely. Virals would never take prisoners.
Spectrol 1:
We have virus checks in place. If a Virus was here, why wasn't it detected?
It must have a cloaking device. [takes Glitch off his belt and looks at it] But at this close range Glitch could probably-
Spectrol 3:
[interrupting] Assassin! He means to delete us all! [flies forward, past AndrAIa]
[shouting] Wait! That's only Glitch!
[Spectrols swarm around Matrix, annoying him. He swats at them with his hand and Gun. Then The Battle begins. Lighting flash. A logo with a red E in a circle comes at the camera. E-Male and Birdy come at the screen, E-Male stretching like Reed Richards.]
[to the camera] Am I Mr. Fantastic or what?
[Lightning flash. A logo with a g inside a C, both inside a circle, comes at the camera. The camera orbits around AndrAIa, who is surrounded by copies of Multi-Mate.]
[all copies speaking, creating an echo effect] Stop, you're surrounded!
Sorry, but you've gotta do better than that.
[AndrAIa turns in a circle, swatting each of the copies away with her trident. Lightning flash. A logo with the letters PXL in a box comes at the screen. Pixel holds her hands out on either side of a Spectrol. After an odd sound effect, the Spectrol sinks out of her grasp. Lightning flash. Red Woman's mask comes at the screen. Red woman, one hand up and claws extended, is enclosed in a net of gold energy trails as the tear was.]
Spectrol 2:
Your claws are useless against our energy shields!
[Lightning flash. Matrix's artificial eye comes at the screen. Spectrols swarm around him. He shoots Gun in this direction and that. The camera closes in on Matrix's face.]
[Matrix and AndrAIa fly backward toward each others. They touch, startle, and turn toward each other.
[softly] Still mad at me?
[AndrAIa puts a hand on his shoulder and pulls him close.]
What do you think?
[She kisses him. After a beat. Matrix's eye closes. Lightning flash. Cursor's logo comes at the camera. Cursor flies after Spectrol 1. The two stop near the ground.]
We must stop this!
Spectrol 1:
Why should I trust you?
Because Viruses are clever and you can't save the system alone! If we work together, we can.
Spectrol 1:
Despite all that's happened... I believe you. [shouting] Spectrols, stand down!
[looking up and raising a hand] Heroes, at ease!
[Gigagirl and Pixel stop in the middle of their aerial pursuit of two Spectrols. All four fly down to their respective leaders. AndrAIa and Matrix fly down too. AndrAIa minimizes her trident.]
Even his codpiece is future-y. Spectrol 1:
We have decided to put aside our prejudices and work together.
Good choice.
[Spectrol 3 butts in, pushing Spectrol 1 away.]
Spectrol 3:
You fools, you've doomed us all!
Spectrol 1:
Brother, what happened to you?
[holding Glitch up] Yeah. Why don't you tell him what happened... Virus!
[Matrix's eye rotates into targeting mode. He raises Gun and shoots several times. Spectrol 3 dodges the shots easily. Birdy zaps it with rays from his eyes. It freezes into a very spiky ball, which falls. Gigagirl catches it.
Cold crystals. Just what the doctor ordered. [looks up and grins]
Spectrol 1:
What should we do with him?
[Matrix's eye rotates to targeting mode again. The M glows red. As "Spectrol" 3 rants, Gigagirl gets a look of horror on her face.]
"Spectrol" 3:
It doesn't matter what happens to me. My brother is still free! Soon our infection will be complete! You are all doomed! Doomed, I say!
[Pixels hand lowers above "Spectrol" 3 as it rants. It shimmers, then flashes and disappears.]
His ranting was distracting from the task at hand.
I see your point. [to Spectrol 1] Is there any way we can get these tears under control?
Spectrol 1:
Yes. I sent a team to the Principle Office to oversee all repairs.
[There are distant explosions. The Heroes look around. AndrAIa is looking at her tricorder.]
Enzo, these tears are being created by a program originating from the Principle Office!
[to Spectrol 1] That's some team you picked.
Spectrol 1:
We must get to the Principle Office before it's too late!
[The heroes and Spectrol 1 fly up and past the camera photogenically.]

[The camera comes in on the exterior of a tower. Fade to the interior of the Principle Office. Frisket is growling and snapping at Powerlock, who is holding him off with a chair. Matrix kicks the solid metal doors off their hinges and steps in, Gun drawn.]
Matrix! It's about time ya got here. Call off yer mangy mutt!
[Frisket barks some more, and Powerlock jabs the chair at him.]
Frisket! Heel.
[Frisket stops growling and looks at Matrix. The Heroes and Spectrols enter the Principle Office.]
Powerlock, what happened here?
I followed these lightballs to the Principle Office. And it's a good thing I did. I caught them openin' a new tear!
Spectrol 1:
Then they were Viruses as well!
Maybe not. Frisket, sniff.
[Frisket, nose to the floor, sniffs at a Spectrol. He raises his head and sniffs the air, then turns and growls at Powerlock, who drops the chair.]
Frisket always had a thing about Viruses.
Not the History Eraser Button! Powerlock:
[drawing the bazooka from his back and pointing it at the Heroes] You're too late, Sprite! [He reaches back and holds a finger over a big red button that says "DO NOT PRESS."] With a press of this button, the entire system crashes.
Spectrol 1:
[Spectrol 1 flies at Powerlock. Powerlock doghes. The bazooka fires, hitting the supports of a heavy grate above the entrance.]
Matrix! Watch out!
[Cursor shoves Matrix away. The grate crashes down on him. Pixel covers her mouth in horror. Gigagirl kneels at Cursor's head. Matrix, on his hands and knees, looks back at Cursor. Spectrol 1 is still flying around Powerlock. Powerlock drops his bazooka and balls his hands into fists,like a boxer.]
[Powerlock looks at Matrix and grins. Matrix stands and aims Gun at Powerlock.]
[continuing] It ends - NOW!
[Matrix's eye rotates to targeting mode. The M glows, and then light flashes on it as Gun fires. Powerlock screams weirdly and light flares and ripples. Pixel covers her eyes squeamishly. AndrAIa stares in shock. Frisket sticks his tongue out, disgusted. Powerlock's cigar-like candle falls to the ground. AndrAIa steps on it and grinds it with her boot. Then she goes to a control panel and begins pressing buttons. Matrix kneels by Cursor.
[weakly] System... out of danger?
Good. Where I go, I go alone.
[Cursor's body dissolves with an effect very similar to the old Star Trek transporter field.]
He's... deleted, Slim.
[Matrix looks down, saddened. AndrAIa walks over to him and kneels.
He wasn't Bob.
[Gigagirl is grieving, her face in her hands.]
[softly] No. But he was a friend.
[Matrix and AndrAIa both hand their heads for a nano, then look up when they hear the System Voice.]
System Voice:
Warning, incoming game. Warning, incoming game.
[Matrix and AndrAIa stand. They look back, then grin at each other.]
Spectrol 1:
Go. Do not worry about us. Take the game and find your way home.
But there's so much we can do to help.
[stepping into frame] We have made great strides thanks to you. And in Cursor's name we'll continue to do so.
You must work together. To mend and defend! Without it, all this would be for nothing.
Spectrol 1:
There will be peace. If not now, then I promise, by the next generation.
[As Spectrol 1 speaks, the scene fades to the area where Matrix and AndrAIa first appeared. They pose, and a game cube comes down on them.]

Directed by Owen Hurley
Starring the Voices of Sharon Alexander
Ian James Corlett
Michael Dobson
Paul Dobson
Venus Terzo
Michael Donovan
Andrew Kavadas
David Kaye
Teryl Rothery
Casting by BLT Productions Ltd.
Voice Director Michael Donovan
Story Editor Dan DiDio
Executive Production Design Consultant Brendan McCarthy
Production Design Anthony Guad
Mike Jackson
Production Design Consultant Ian Gibson
Design Supervisor Gavin Blair
Associate Producer Elizabeth Embling
Production Manager B. F. Painter
YTV Executive Laurinda Shaver
Animation Coordinators Deanna Booth
Nina Bowkett
Supervising Animator Kevin Scott
Senior Animators Chris Brawn
Katrina Conwright
Computer Animators Walton K. Burgwyn
Jeff Cappleman
William Chan
Ram Sandhu
Blair Simmons
Fernando Pazos
Steve Chao
Earl Fast
Casey Kwan
Jeff Poole
Eric Torin
Kelsey Wagner
Modeling Director Frank Belina
Modellers Herrick Chiu
Slava Chorny
Michael Faulkner
Mike Ferraro
Alberto Garcia
Gideon Hay
Mike Towes
Murray McCarron
Doug MacKay
Jeremy Miller
Leslie Oldham
Rick Scarpitti
Rak Tafarodi
On-Line Editors Dermot Shane
Anne Hoerber
Off-Line Editor Andrew Duncan
Vice-President Technical Operations Kelly Daniels
Chief Engineer Greg Story
Systems Engineers

Terry Bates
Larry Bodnar
Russ Ptolomey
Vice-President Software Development Chris Welman
Software Development Tim Belsher
Troy Brooks
David Fracchia
Rick Glumac
Adam Wood-Gaines
Albert Ho
Tony Pele
Phil Peterson
David Wong
Software Technical Support Denise Pierre
Eric Torin
Video Production Supervisor Jim Corbett
Video Production Technicians Andre Guilbeault
Jean Ireland
Video Disk Operators Sylvain Blais
Amy Wilding
Corporate Controller Giuliana Bertuzzi, CMA
Production Accountant Jim Pratt
Director of Communications Mairi Welman
Executive Assistants Adria Budd
Colleen Heenan
Alliance Executive Beth Stevenson
Production Assistants Tyler Haider
William Lee
Donna Maxwell
Bracken New
Marco Tremblay
Christian Varin
Music composed by Robert Buckley
Sound Effects Supervisor Marcel Duperreault
Sound Effects Editor Jason Fredrickson
Dialogue Editor Kirk Furniss
Dialogue recorded at Pinewood Studio
Buzzy's Recording
Foley, Re-recording & Final Mix at Post Modern Sound
Video Post Production Mainframe Entertainment Inc.
Vice President of Production Glenn Griffiths
Vice President of Operations Phil Mitchell
Director of Operations Gavin Blair

Produced in association with
YTV Canada Inc.

Recorded in Stereo Surround

© 1997 Reboot III Productions Ltd.
All rights Reserved

A Mainframe/Alliance Production


  The ReBoot episode "Where No Sprite Has Gone Before" and all associated images is copyright © Mainframe Entertainment, Inc. Screen grabs snapped by Kim McFarland. This transcript document is copyright © Kim McFarland. Please do not re-archive without permission.

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