
Written by:

Ian Pearson
Gavin Blair
Ian Weir

Transcribed by: Kim McFarland

Last week on ReBoot.
[voiceover] Continued use of your Glitch powers will result in total fragmentation?
[Bob, grasping the bars of Turbo's cell, looks down at his icon. A light shines from his icon and pins Turbo against the opposite wall. Bob falls to his knees, now semitransparent.]
[voiceover] Dad!
[A green null pops out of the top of a vaguely bipedal structure made of nulls, forming its head.]
You're back!
[voiceover] We cannot crack the encryption codes on the firewalls that block our path to Mainframe.
[A gun on a floating platform, much like Megabyte's Hardware from "Web World Wars," shoots a beam at a firewall in a portal showing Mainframe. Around it fly several spider ships. On a board very similar to the one Herr Doktor used to decode Phong's portal command codes, ones and zeroes appear, moving up a column. However, at the top, instead of a number, Mouse's logo appears against a red background.]
[voiceover] Mouse is outside the firewall!
[The firewall opens. Ship flies into The Edge of Beyond. Bob, Phong, Dot, the Null Creature, and Turbo - the last of whom is on a VidWindow - are now around a yellow circular table. Dot is the only one seated. Bob's arms are folded.]
And she has all the encryption codes!
Mouse'll give up the codes if she's infected.
[In front of the Principle Office, green infection energy spreads outward from Daemon, encircling Mouse and Matrix. Matrix screams.]
[to a now-infected Mouse] Mouse, your encryptions are beautiful.
[voiceover] We're running outta time.
[In the line-and-dot diagram green spreads down all the blue lines and circles.]
[continuing] And you can never trust a Virus.

Written by
Ian Pearson  Gavin Blair
Phil Mitchell  Ian Weir

[Spider ships are stationed in The Edge of Beyond, which is now green. Matrix, AndrAIa, Mike the TV, and Daemon are in an open-topped spider ship.]

Music Composed by
Bob Buckley

[There is some gunplay between ships and various small portals. The largest portal leads to Mainframe. The firewall mars its surface. Daemon looks back at Mouse.]

Directed by
George Roman Samilski

Make a connect-the-Dots joke and I kill you.[The camera comes down on Dot and Specky, who are in the War Room. Dot is bent over a control panel.]
It's no good! Her encryption is too complicated!
We've got to keep trying. If-
[Dot looks up at the map of the Net on the large VidWindow. Green is spreading down the blue lines. One red circle turns green. The green spreads down the lines beyond it. CPUs run about behind Dot and Specky.]
[continuing] When Mouse gets here, we're completely defenseless! She knows the access code, we have to change it!
B-but, but it's impossible!
No! There has to be something we can do.

[Outside the Principle Office entrance, a flying vehicle is lowering the top semicircle of the gate onto the bottom part. It looks identical to the gate that Welman created in the flashbacks. Enzo picks up a baseball. The Null Creature waves in the background.]
[winding up] See if you can catch my fast ball!
[He throws it. The Null Creature catches it neatly.]
Null Creature:
You'll have to do better than that.
[awed] Alphanumeric!
[The Principle Office door opens. Phong wheels out. The Null Creature looks at him, then throws the ball to Enzo and makes a "time out" gesture with his "hands." Phong wheels over to the Null Creature.] Hey, look! There's some gum on the ground! COOL!
How is Enzo taking your transformation?
Null Creature:
[Enzo rushes up to them.]
[excitedly] Hi, Phong. Dad's a null monster now, it's so cool! He can change shape and things!
[Frisket barks. Enzo looks over.]
Hey, there's Frisket! [rushes away]
Null Creature:
Quite well, actually.
[Hearing a sound, Phong and the Null Creature look over. CPU vehicles fly up to the firewall from below the rim of the Principle Office.]
Now what?
[The ships deposit senders around the firewall. They create another layer of firewall over the first.]
A second firewall. That should slow Mouse down. Clever girl!
Null Creature:
Who, Dot?
You should be very proud of her.
Null Creature:
I am. And Enzo. He's a fine boy. He's grown so much.
Ah, well, there's something else you should know, uh, about Enzo, or-
[Phong hesitates. The Null Creature tilts its "head."]
[continuing] Or should I say Matrix?

[The camera pans down from the firewall to Bob, who is sitting on the hood of his car. He sighs, looking weary and depressed. Eyes closed, he shakes his head.]
[voiceover] Hello, cheekie.
[There is a crash. Bob startles and looks over.]
Ah! Hex!
[Hex is sitting beside him, grinning widely.]
[continuing] I-I didn't hear you there. [smiles goofily]
It's a Virus thing, we're very light on our feet. What's up? [scooting over to him] Can I help? I'll do anything for you. Hex! You'll poke my eyes out!
You can't help now, Hex. You've lost your powers.
[Hexadecimal leans back against him.]
I could power up again.
A-and go viral? No no no, I prefer you as you are, a Sprite.
[Hexadecimal draws a hand under his chin. He smiles.]
Oh, you noticed. So you're a Sprite and I'm a Sprite... you know what that means.
Nooo... It's all right, Brad. Everything's going to be all right.
[Hexadecimal pushes him onto his back, gets on top of him, and kisses him. He makes surprised noises, then gasps for air when the kiss breaks.]
Hex, I-w-ah- We c- we can't - what the-
Oh, you always were a silver-tongued one. [stroking his hair] Mmm, silver haired one as well, come to think of it.
But Dot - she'll-
She'll do nothing! I asked her. She just wants to be friends with you.
Dot said we're just friends?
[Hexadecimal leans down and kisses him again. Seen behind them, the portal flares. The light goes red. They break the kiss and look at the firewall. Bob shoves Hex off of himself and gets up. CPUs in floating vehicles look at the firewall. The light goes normal again.]
[looking up] She's here.
[Hex drives up in his car.]
Jump in, darling. They'll need you at the Principle Office. [gleefully] I'll drive!

[White-coated binomes are working on and around the gateway device. Phong wheels over to the Null Creature, who is working at a control board. The creature looks over at the sound of Bob's car. The car grounds smoothly. Bob jumps out of the passenger side and walks toward Dot.
We're outta time! We'll never evacuate the city now. [pointing up] Nice idea, the second firewall.
Thanks, but it won't hold Mouse for long. And who said we were evacuating the city?
But - I-I thought-
[looking up] Ah, where's a game cube when you really need one?
[She looks down and sees Hexadecimal kneeling in front of Enzo and Frisket. She walks toward them.]
Enzo, get away from her!
[Hexadecimal stands.] Nice butt tattoo, *Sis*!
But Sis!
[mimicking Enzo] Yeah, Sis!
[to Hexadecimal] And you can stop it with the "Sis" thing!
But I simply adore children! [aside, behind her hand] But I could never eat a whole one.
[Bob and Dot look at each other worriedly. Enzo and Frisket stare at Hexadecimal, eyes wide. Frisket whines.]
It was a joke! I'm joking!
[An alarm sounds.]
System Voice:
Warning, incoming game. Warning, incoming game.
[The sky turns purple. Bob, Dot, Hack, and Slash look up. Dot grins.]
[sarcastically] Oh, great.
[seriously] Great! [to Bob] I don't want you to fight me on this one.
What're you talkin' about?
[kneeling in front of Enzo] Matrix, I need you to do something.
[Enzo looks over beyond Dot, grinning. Dot moves to the side to block him as she speaks.]
[continuing] It's very important and only you can do this. I want you to go into the game and stay there. I want you to change your icon to game sprite mode and stay in the game until you grow up. Until you're as big as Matrix.
What?! You cannot be serious!
Don't worry, Bob. I'll come back and save you all. [folding his arms and speaking smugly] Like I did before.
Enzo, please listen to me! You're not Matrix! You don't have to do this! There's another way, there has to be another way. You're losing it, Sis
[to Hack and Slash] Hack, Slash, plan four point zero four. [to Frisket] Frisket, go with him, boy.
[Frisket nods and wurfs.]
Dot, you can't do this! Please think what you're doing!
I have.
[Dot kneels in front of Enzo again and puts her hands on his upper arms. Enzo looks like he is fighting back tears.]
[wavery voice] Come back. Save us. You can do it. [She leans forward and kisses his forehead.] Okay, go. Go quickly.
[calling out to the Null Creature] Dad. I-I'll be back soon. [bites his lower lip] I love you.
[The Null Creature waves to Enzo. Slash carries Enzo toward the game cube. Hack watches him go. Frisket is right beside him.]
What?! I get the dog?
[Rockets appear on Slash's back. Hack and Slash fly up toward the descending game cube. Bob, Dot, and Hexadecimal watch them go. Enzo looks down, still sad. He hides his face against Slash's armor.]

[Fade from the game cube to a long shot of Bob and Dot walking in front of the Principle Office.]
I do not believe in the no-win scenario. I'm covering my options.
Oh, Enzo's an option now, is he?
[Dot stops and turns toward Bob.]
And so're you. [puts a hand on his arm] I want you to form a portal to a safe system and get outta here! [She walks away from him, up the steps.]
What?! Please, tell me what's goin' on! Have I gone mad or is it just you?
Daemon needs you to fulfil her function. So-
So I got and hide in the Net!
And what happens here, in Mainframe?
[Dot looks at him, a seemingly sad expression on her face. Then she turns her head slightly, not looking away from Bob, to call out to the Null Creature.]
You finished, Dad?
Null Creature:
Every address on the Net is targeted.
It's a trap! You're gonna trigger the gateway when she crosses it!
Single source, multiple targets. It'll blow her code to the far corners of the Net.
But everyone will still be infected!
[Hexadecimal walks up the steps to where Bob, Dot, and the Null Creature are.]
Without Daemon's control, the Net may recover!
This is thin, Dot.
This is all I've got. Would you buy a used car from this person?
[Bob and Dot turn and look at the sky. The firewall ripples , flares, and disappears, revealing the hole in the sky leading to The Edge of Beyond.]
[into her microphone] Fleet commanders, this is it. Blow the Guardian armada out of the sky as it enters our airspace.
[Dot looks up. Guns mounted on ABC turrets aim at the hole. Daemon drifts down between a double row of ABCs. The ABC ships pivot to follow her. She flies toward the camera, smiling.]

[Long shot of the setup at the Principle Office entrance. Bob, Dot, and the Null Creature are at the control panel by the gateway.]
Bob, stand at the doors. If you won't leave you can at least be bait.
[rolls his eyes] Hah. Live bait.
[Bob walks over to stand on the other side of the gateway. Hexadecimal goes with him.]
[to the Null Creature] Dad, stand by. When she enters the gateway, hit send. [to Phong] Phong, you're with me. Let's greet our guest. [looking over] Everyone stay calm.
[looking up] Oh, dear.
[Daemon drifts down toward Our Heroes. Hexadecimal glares at her. She stops just above the ground in front of Dot.]
'Allo. You must be Dot. Matrix has told me all about you.
[angrily] Then you know what I think of Viruses.
[to Phong] Phong, the wise one. It is an honor to finally meet you. Aerial surveillance
[Phong scowls and crosses his arms. Daemon turns and floats closer to Bob and Hexadecimal.]
And there is my messenger wi-
[Daemon stops abruptly when she looks at Hexadecimal. When Daemon speaks, Hexadecimal lowers her eyes.]
[angrily] Hexadecimal! You have turned into an abomination! You are a disgrace to your kind.
She's not your kind any more!
There is no need for anger. Soon we will be one, joined in the Word. Look into the green light
[Daemon drifts lower. Dot looks back at the Null Creature, who holds a trembling "hand" over a screen with a schematic of the gateway. Daemon's foot touches the ground. Green energy arcs out from it. It surrounds Dot, Bob, Hexadecimal, and Phong. The Null Creature splits into its component parts. Daemon smiles, looking down. The green light spreads outward from the Principle Office throughout Mainframe, engulfing binomes, ABCs, more binomes, and Turbo. Turbo, still in his cell, is holding his hands to his head and screaming. He falls to his hands and knees.]
She's here. [He gets to his knees and looks up. The marks of infection glow brightly on his neck.] User have mercy on the Net.
[Bob and Hexadecimal stand, smiling brightly, then look at each other. Both wear glowing lines around their faces. Dot, too, is infected and overly cheerful about it..]
My lady. Mainframe is at your service.
[Daemon nods at her, then walks through the gateway toward Bob and Hexadecimal.]
It is time you were reunited with your friends and family.]
[Daemon gestures. A zoom room smashes down, leaving Mouse, Matrix, AndrAIa, and Mike the TV behind.]
Oh, there's no place like home! [as an evangelist] Mainframe has heard the Word!
[Daemon, smiling unpleasantly, turns back toward Hexadecimal.] Nappytime
[ashamed] Forgive me, my lady.
[Daemon gestures at her. Hexadecimal goes flying back. She impacts with the wall of the Principle Office, then slides down, leaving an impression of herself in the surface. Seen from inside, the door to the Principle Office opens. Bright light shines in. Daemon floats forward. Bob, Mike, Dot, Mouse, AndrAIa, and Matrix walk by Hexadecimal, who is lying on her side on the ground, unconscious.]

[The game cube is still on the ground. Above it the sky is dark, whereas it has been blue everywhere else.]
System Voice:
Game over.
[The cube rises into the sky, leaving Hack, Slash, Enzo, and Frisket behind. They are in an open area in front of a structure of some sort. Clusters of glowing lines pulse on the ground and the side of the structure.
[upset] Matrix! You won the game!]
[looking discouraged] I know.
[Slash wheels up behind Enzo.]
[confused] Ah, but we were supposed to lose and stay in the game? [twiddles his fingers nervously]
I-I know! I just can't do it. I can't leave my family.
[Hack sees the glowing veiny patches.]
Heyheyheyheyheyhey! W-w-what's this green everywhere?
[looking up] A-and where's the firewall?
Daemon must be here.
[sarcastically] Oh, that's just marvelous!
[Enzo looks toward the Principle Office. The pinnacle subsphere is opening.]
What's happening up there?
[Slash raises a hand to shield his eyes, almost a salute, and looks up very seriously.]
[holding out a hand] Hack, long-range scanners.
[One of Hack's hands retracts, then extends again holding a pair of fancy red binoculars. He hands it to Enzo, who raises it to his eyes. Framed by the binoculars, the viewpoint zooms in on the scene above the subsphere. Daemon, Bob, and some tears are floating up there.]
This is bad. This is very bad.
[The viewpoint shifts to show Matrix and AndrAIa sitting on some rubble outside the Principle Office. It zooms in. Then Slash's head pops into frame.]
What're we gonna do, Matrix?
[Enzo takes the binoculars from his eyes.]
Stop calling me that! Bob's right. I'm not Matrix. I'm not a renegade and I'm not lost in the games.
[Enzo double-clicks his icon. Light flares. Hack and Slash look at each other, and Frisket turns his head. Then the camera shows Enzo now wearing a blue Guardian uniform.]
[continuing] I am Enzo Matrix. My function, to mend and defend. And you three are going to help me.
[Hack, Slash, and Frisket look at Enzo.]

Someone get me some slow food, FAST!
[The camera comes in on the open Subsphere from above and to the side. Bob shoots energy at a tear, stabilizing it into a portal. Daemon touches it lightly. Green light spreads out from the point of contact, turning the image of the system green. Slash flies up and holds a hand out.]
Okay, lady, leave the Guardian alone and step away from the portal!
[Daemon touches another portal sphere.]
[reaching out] I said-
[A blade slices down from out of frame. Slash's arm falls off, severed close to the shoulder joint. He looks at it, then turns, surprised. Mouse leans forward and grins nastily at him.]
[hurt] Heyyyy!
[Mouse slices rapidly with her sword. Slash falls to the ground in bits.]
[now in a heap on the ground] That's me all over.

[Hack lands outside the Principle Office and sets Enzo and Frisket down near Matrix and AndrAIa. Enzo and Frisket run forward.]
Matrix, AndrAIa!
Enzo. It's good to see you.
We wondered where you were.
[Matrix stands. Hack wheels forward and holds one arm out, and blocks Enzo with the other arm.]
That is close enough.
[Frisket growls. Enzo pushes Hack's arm down. Matrix walks up to Enzo and takes his hand.]
Enzo, you must come with us, meet our lady.
[Matrix drags Enzo, who is digging his heels in, past AndrAIa. AndrAIa sits and watches, smiling.]
AndrAIa, help! Please!
[getting off the rubble] Enzo, don't worry, our lady is-
[Matrix stops dragging Enzo.]
[interrupting] A Virus! She's a Virus and she's killing Bob!
[Matrix smiles dreamily at Enzo.]
Stop smiling, stop being nice to me and help! We've got to fight her!
[taking Enzo's hand] Enzo, I've been fighting all my life. The Word has brought me peace.
[Frisket jumps forward and bites Matrix's forearm, making him release Enzo's hand. Matrix cries out. AndrAIa draws her trident.]
Hack, pin her! When's the last time you fed this dog?
[As AndrAIa starts to leap forward Hack seizes and holds her. Matrix tries to pull his arm out of Frisket's mouth. The dog snarls and pulls back.]
Matrix, you've been infected! You have to fight the Virus!
Aaaargh! Get him off or-
Or what?! You'll hurt Frisket?!
Yes! I'll hurt 'im!
You? We love that dog! And you'll hurt 'im? Would you hurt Dot too? [pointing at the Principle Office] Would you hurt Bob, Phong?!
[struggling] Yes! No!
[Frisket yanks Matrix down hard. Matrix screams.]
[Hack covers AndrAIa's mouth with a third hand.]
Matrix, go to the dark place! Use your hate! You hate Viruses, you hate Megabyte!
Bob made you a Guardian! Gave you a field upgrade to fight Megabyte! To fight Viruses!
[staring at Enzo] Guardian? [looks down at his icon]
Down, Frisket.
[Frisket releases Matrix. Hack takes his hand from AndrAIa's mouth.]
[Shatnering] My icon... I... I'm...
[Matrix double-clicks his icon. It switches from game sprite to Guardian mode. Light flares from it. Blue sparkles rush across his body. He tenses and cries out.

[Another portal is stabilized. Bob, semitransparent and weak looking, gasps and stops shooting energy at it.]
[to Dot] Don't worry. Soon his work will be done and you will be together.

My head's stuck to the ground
[Hexadecimal is lying on her side on the ground in front of the gateway, her head pillowed by her hands. She is sobbing. Her face is cracked in the same place as before. Nulls squirm about on the ground around her. Enzo walks up the steps near her.]
Hex? Are you all right?
[sitting up, almost crying as she speaks] My lady rejected me, called me an abomination. She hates me.
[low voice] Guess Daemon can't be all bad.
[to Frisket] He's definitely back to normal.
[to Matrix] Well? Come on, Big Me! Do your stuff!
[haughtily] What? Cure her? Why?
[to Matrix] She's a Virus. She may give us an edge against Daemon.
[grudgingly] Okay, okay.
[Matrix kneels in front of Hexadecimal.]
[frightened] What're you doing? No, no! Please don't hurt me.
[Matrix holds his icon in front of Hexadecimal's. Light streams from his to hers. Enzo and AndrAIa watch. Matrix stands. The light in her icon covers her body. She stiffens and cries out. Then the light flares and disappears. The nulls begin to flow together. Hex, the crack now on her other cheek and her garter belt on backward, stands, helped by AndrAIa, whose star is now on the other side of her head.]
Are you okay?
I - I think so.
[The Null Creature reforms.]
Null Creature:
I'll never get used to this.
Hi, Dad!
[to AndrAIa] W-where's Bob?
Daemon's got him.
[crack now on the correct side of her face] Show me.

[Bob is still stabilizing portals. He looks very weak now. His power runs out, and he faints and falls.]
Bob! Turn your head and cough
[Daemon holds out a hand. Bob's fall is halted before he hits the ground. She floats Bob over to Dot and sets him down. Dot kneels over him, then looks up at Daemon, distressed. Daemon touches a portal. Green washes over it.]
My function is complete. Now it is just a matter of time. [She looks down and touches the hourglass pendant. The green sand has almost run out.]

[Matrix, AndrAIa, and Hexadecimal are together on the upper level of the Command Room. Enzo, Frisket, Hack, and the Null Creature ate in front of the map table.]
She's killing Bob! We have to do something!
Like what? I'm out of ideas here!
We just haven't got the firepower to go up against her!
[Hex stalks toward the door.]
Where are you going?
[determinedly] To get more firepower. Comic Relief to go
From where?
The Core!
[The door opens behind Hexadecimal. She looks over. The infected Phong is in the doorway, making embarrassing kung-fooey noises and hand gestures.]

[Daemon flies herself, Bob, Dot, and Mouse down from the pinnacle to the front of the Principle Office entrance. Bob, fading fast, falls when he touches the ground. Dot rushes over and kneels by him.]
[to Dot] You love him very much, don't you?
We're just friends. Good friends. We - [She pauses, and her eyes widen, as if she is just realizing something.] My lady, yes, I love him very much. One ASCII kickin', comin' up!
Do not worry. [turns and looks at Mouse, then back to Dot] Soon the Word will being peace to the Net. Nothing can stop that now.
[Dot, Mouse, and Daemon look over. The Principle Office doors bash open. Hexadecimal, once again a Virus, is standing in the doorway. Her costume is a combination of Season 1, 3, and 4, and she now wears cracked masks. She jumps forward, into the gateway.]
[furiously] Get away from my Sprites!
[Hex blasts red energy from her hands, knocking Daemon away from the Principle office down the bridge. Hex swipes a hand across her face, changing it to her toothy War mask, and cackles wildly.]

You're going down, .BAT [Daemon stalks out of a hole in the Principle Office wall. She looks about, an angry expression on her face. Then Hexadecimal comes at her from the side. Face to face, arms locked, they skid down a road, tearing a gash in it as they go. Daemon stops her backward skid. Then she punches Hexadecimal, sending Hex flying backward. Two binomes in Dot's Diner are building a card house in one of the booths. Hexadecimal flies backward through the window, shattering it. The baby binome in the booth looks over at Hex, then fills its diaper. Daemon and Hexadecimal are in midair, Daemon on top, pushing on Hexadecimal's mask. They crash down through the ground, then fall down another level with Hexadecimal on top and land in some lavalike goop. Matrix and AndrAIa watch a building collapse in the distance.]
What happens if Hex loses?
I'm more worried about what'll happen if she wins! What happened to blasts of transfinite power?
[Daemon and Hexadecimal burst up through the ground and fly back into the air. Hexadecimal draws back and punches Daemon. Daemon hits ground and skids on her back, tearing another furrow in the street. She stands. Hexadecimal flies like Superman just over the ground at her. Daemon punches her, sending her flying. Hexadecimal smashes into the ground in front of the Principle Office. Daemon lands. Hexadecimal starts to get up. She switches from Angry to War mask as she speaks.]
Now you're really starting to annoy me!
[calmly] Why are we fighting? You are a Virus. We should be friends.
[The camera closes in on Daemon's hourglass pendant. The last grain of green sand spirals down the inside of the top bulb, falls through the center, and lands on the pile in the bottom. The hourglass symbol on Daemon's sleeve glows green. Daemon speaks in an echoing voice, her eyes closed.] NOW we get the whole time thing!
I am Daemon. I am not an entity, I am a time. My time is now. [opens her eyes] The Word is Cron.
[Dot is supporting Bob, holding his arm over her shoulders.]
[reaching out weakly] No! Not a Cron Virus!
[Daemon stands, arms held out from her sides, palms forward, head tilted up. She glows with green light. It flares white, leaving behind a vague glowing green shape which flares again. The light spreads outward through Mainframe from the center, out through The Edge of Beyond, spreading through the line-and-dot map of the Net and the skies of the systems from "The Episode with No Name" and "Number 7." Beneath a green sky, a binome closes his eye and begins chanting in binary.]
One one one one oh oh.
[Matrix and AndrAIa stare as the binome techs and CPUs stand and chant in unison.]
One one one oh one one one.
[The binomes continue chanting in the background.]
I've seen this before!
[Bob is lying on the ground, flickering and looking deathly. Dot is leaning over him, her hands on his chest. When Bob speaks it is with great effort and pain.]
Bob, can you hear me?
[feebly] Dot? Cron Virus. End to all things. Total crash.
[Hex's hand comes down on Bob's chest. She grabs Bob away from Dot and holds him up.]
[screaming at Dot] Get away from him! Masochism Tango
[Hexadecimal begins singing nonsense and dancing with Bob, who looks like a marionette with its strings cut.]
Hex... What... what're you doing?
[crooning] Don't worry, my love. I will care for you and make you well. Then you will love me as I love you- [screaming] totally!
[Dot grabs Hexadecimal's shoulder. Hexadecimal turns.]
Get off him!
[Hexadecimal blasts her away with a burst of energy from one hand. Matrix catches Dot.]
I knew this was a bad idea!
Hex, you're ill again.
Ill? But [screeching] I've never felt so alive! The power! I have the entire power of the Core surging through me! [sweetly] Nothing can hurt me - or you - now.
You're wrong. Daemon's Virus... when the countdown reaches zero... we'll all be deleted. Everyone... everything.
[drawing a finger down Bob's face and pouting childishly] Ooh, how will our love survive?
It won't, Hex. I'm sorry.
[matter-of-factly] Well, that's just not good enough. [She turns and screams at Phong and the Null Creature] You! Stop this thing!
There is nothing we can do! We have a cure but it is impossible to administer it in time.
Null Creature:
Well, the only thing that can spread through the Net fast enough would be a benign Virus.
[excitedly] A Virus to cure! Brilliant! [pauses] Oh, dear.
What, what's the problem? We've got a Virus, me! Give me the cure and I'll fix everything.
Hex, you won't survive this. It's a one-way trip. Total fragmentation.
[Hex lays Bob gently on the ground.]
[softly] But you will survive. James Bondage
[Hexadecimal looks over at Matrix, then suddenly flies at him and holds him up off the ground. She takes his icon and throws him down. He cowers below as she holds his icon up in one clawed hand. It glows. The glow spreads into her hand, then is absorbed.]
[angrily] Virus hater! [haughtily] Learn from this.
[She tosses Matrix's icon down. When it leaves her hand it is a gold Guardian's icon; when it hits the ground it is a game sprite icon minus the triangle. She turns toward the Principle Office. Enzo is in front of her.]
Hex, stop! I-I don't want you to go.
[pressing her hands together] I adore children. [She leans close to Enzo.]
[nervously] But you could never eat a whole one! Pretty
[Enzo laughs nervously when Hex passes a hand in front of her face, switching to the toothy war mask. Then she sweeps her hand back, returning to the smile.]
Still only joking! [She touches his icon with the pad of one finger.] Here, young Guardian. A gift!
[Enzo's icon glows and changes color. The gold changes to black and the black to red, and the circle and triangles are outlined with gold.]
So you don't turn out like him! [looking over at Matrix] She stands, then walks up the steps. Everyone watches. Hexadecimal turns and shoots energy from one hand. The Null creature starts toward the control panel as if being forced to.]
Null Creature:
She... is... controlling me!
[Hexadecimal faces the Null Creature, yellow energy glowing in her hand. Everyone watches.]
[sad faced, to Bob and Dot] Bob, I have always loved you. Dot, look after him and... be happy. [She turns away, then screeches at the Null Creature, now wearing her War mask.] NOW!
[The Null Creature is forced to the control panel. One "hand" slaps down on the diagram of the gateway. The background of the image goes red. Silvery material fills the gateway as it activates. Seen from the side, Hex leans back and closes her eyes, then dissolves into particles and appears to be sucked into it.
[reaching out and speaking weakly] Hex... Fragmentation
[The Null Creature breaks apart again. Hex's masks travel in wiggly paths through The Edge of Beyond, leaving white trails. Her cackling can be heard over the binary countdown chant. Red appears at various points throughout the map of the Net and spreads outward. Masks with red comet tails fly down into the system from "The Episode With No Name." In the Sibedar, binomes with closed eyes chant the countdown. They are nearly at the end. Masks come down and pass through the binomes, turning them red briefly. Some binomes are struck more than once. When they are struck, they stop chanting. The diagram of the Net is almost all red now, and Hex's cackling takes on an insanely delighted tone. Masks hit two chanting binomes, a male and a female, and they stop just as the count reaches oh one.]
Male Binome:
I say!
Female Binome:
Jolly good!
[Dot sets Bob down on his back.] Couldn't you do this when I was WELL?
Bob? Bob?
[She puts her hands to her face. He tries to raise his arm, but can't.]
[weakly] Uh... hey.
[emotionally, stroking his chest] Stay with us, okay? You mustn't leave me. Not again. We need you. I need you.
[Dot leans down and begins crying on Bob's chest. AndrAIa turns toward Matrix and puts a hand on his chest. He puts his arm around her shoulders.]
[sobbing] I love you. Please don't go. Stay. Marry me.
[tilting his head up and laughing weakly] I-I thought you'd never ask. There was this Copy.COM in the Web...
[Dot leans forward. Just as they are about to kiss a portal opens up on the other side of them. They look at it, surprised. Ray Tracer, a stern expression on his face, steps out, carrying his Surf-Baud. Frisket barks. Mouse winks at him. A second Bob, this one seemingly identical to Bob from the first two seasons except for a missing Glitch, steps out beside Ray. The portal disappears.]
Bob 2:
Marry him? I don't think so! [He crosses his arms and smirks.]

[As the credits roll, Hexadecimal narrates.]
I infect the entire net. I have spread through systems, peoples, and cities, from this place, Mainframe. My format, Virus. The Queen of Chaos! [laughs wildly]

Story Editors Ian Pearson
Gavin Blair
Phil Mitchell
Starring the Voices of Sharon Alexander
Giacomo Baessato
Kathleen Barr
Michael Benyaer
Garry (sic) Chalk
Ian Corlett
Colombe Demers
Paul Dobson
Michael Donovan
Scott McNeil
Shirley Milliner (sic)
Richard Newman
Stevie Vallance
Dale Wilson
Voice Director Michael Donovan

[B.C. Performers logo]

Production Designer Ken Nicholls
Story Board Artist Rob Jensen
Character Designer Scott Lee
Matte Painter Jeff Panek
Googs/Graphic Design Keith Arima
Colin Oleksyn
Peter Ruttan
Production Manager Sharan Wood
Assistant Director Petra Haluska
Modeling Assistant Director Stefanie Boose
Production Coordinator Christopher Fink
Director of Animation Mark Schiemann
Supervising Animators Corey Barnard
Daniel Ife
Senior Animators Conrad Helten
Carleen Lay
Andrew Lawson
Scott Thompson
Computer Animators Harry Ahn
Chris Buckley
Mabel Chan
Matthew Cowie
Rahul Dabholkar
Jackie Fortin
Shona Galbraith
Stephen King
Jiri Licenik
David Lee
Grant Wilson
Jeremy Mesana
Colin Oleksyn
Lake Pearson
Keith Richardson
Clayton Ryan
Graham Silva
Blair Simmons
Alexi Sydie
Trevor Traub
Christian Varin
Lip Sync Technical Director Jason Osipa
Supervising Modeler Michael John Haslam
Senior Modelers Gerald Lauzé
Jim Su
Modelers Jay Chi
Henry Cho
Wayne Wong Chong
Eric Cheung
James Feng
Wayne Gonsalves
Richard Lau
Greg Lohr
Hak Hyung Lee
Doug MacKay (sic)
Joel Olmstead
James Stewart
Carl Whiteside
Digital Effects Supervisor Michael Mussellam
Lead Digital Effects Animator Patrick Parenteau
Digital Effects Animators Karl Buckley
Anne Davis
Greg Herd-Rutter
Kevin McKibbon
On-Line Editors Anne Hoerber
Jean Ireland
Off-Line Editor Angela Stevenson
Video Production Supervisor Jim Corbett
Video Production Technicians Andre Guilbeault
Rudy Koch
Russell Orme
Video Disc Operators Brett Daly
Justin Much
Executive in Charge of Technical Operations Greg Story
Systems Engineers David Algar
Terry Bates
Larry Bodnar
Kevin Elsdon
Jason Hislop
Myles Morse
Curt Odenbach
Executive in Charge of Software Development Chris Welman
Software Support Tim Belsher
Gordon Farrell
Stephen Schick
YTV Executive Laurinda Shaver Goncalves
Audio Supervisor Marcel Duppereault
Sound Effects Editors Todd Araki
Marcel Duppereault
Jason Fredrickson
Kirk Furniss
Mix Engineers Marcel Duppereault
Todd Araki

Dolby Surround

Foley Artist Ian Mackie
Don Harrison
Mixed at Dick and Rogers
Creative Affairs Dan DiDio
Video Post Production at Mainframe Entertainment Inc.

Vancouver, Canada

A Mainframe Entertainment Production

Produced in Association with YTV

© 2001 Reboot IV Productions Inc.
All rights Reserved

with the assistance of the Canadian Film or Video Tax Credit Program Canadian Television and Cable Production Fund (License Fee Program)
Film Incentive BC

Mainframe Entertainment, Inc.

YTV logo

The ReBoot episode "Sacrifice" and all associated images is copyright © Mainframe Entertainment, Inc. Screen grabs snapped by Kim McFarland. This transcript document is copyright © Kim McFarland. Please do not re-archive without permission.

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