My Lunch Can Beat Up Your Lunch!

Lunch Box 248: Things and stuff


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Stuff! Whenever I find myself with a hunk of enoki mushrooms, it's just a matter of time before I wrap them in bacon and make obimake enoki. This time around I used turkey bacon, and it came out fine. Keeping that company are some onigiri with ginger dressing. That's the same "Naturally Fresh" ginger dressing I use on green salads. It's good with rice too; just mix it in and then shape the onigiri. (I made that discovery while eating yesterday's lunch. I had leftover salad dressing, and it'd be a shame to waste it, and there's all that rice, so...) After that some stir-fried vegetables, slices of baked Japanese sweet potato, and pumpkin melon pan.

I'm looking for other recipes featuring enoki mushrooms. Anyone have any suggestions?

Wanna talk about it?