The Cartoon Planet Storybook:
Lead Bunny


Now it's time for The Cartoon Planet Storybook. Today's story is called "Lead Bunny". It was written by Kaili Courtney.
I am a ballerina. I am six years old. These are my shoes. Last week I got to be in a recital. My class did The Bunny Dance, and guess what? I got to be the lead bunny! Madame Helga, my teacher, taught me how to hop out on stage. All the bunnies hopped right behind me. We had big ears and fuzzy tails. On the day of the recital, my Mom put lipstick and rouge on all the bunnies, even the boys! It was funny.
Oh, ha ha ha ha! That's so funny... um... what'd'ja say?
When we went to do the dance, I started hopping before the music. I was the only bunny onstage. Madame Helga was yelling and waving her arms. All the other bunnies hopped out on stage to get away from Madame Helga.
Madame Helga ... ruff! Ruff ruff!
After the recital my Mom and Dad gave me a trophy with a ballerina on it. But they won't let me go back to Madame Helga's class.
The end.
(Sigh) What a sappy little story that was.
Do you think Madame Helga is ... available?
Available? For what?
Ohhh, you know, a little of this, a little of that...
Oh, yeah, right! I'm guessing that Madame Helga just sits by the phone, hoping and praying that a conniving little green insect will give her a jungle!
Yeahhhh, that's what I was thinking too! Mmmm...

Sketch © Cartoon Network. HTML document © Kim McFarland.
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